3 minute read

Recently on a trip for a tech conference I created a YouTube chat app using .NET and AI. This is part of my exploration into creating a larger app for chatting about .NET AI development (leveraging docs, presentations, and sample code my team has been working on at Microsoft).

View the sample: YouTube chat app using .NET and AI

Terminal window showing the YouTubeChat console running, with a question asking "How do I chat with my own data using AI?"

This approach was inspired by a great LangChain tutorial on freeCodeCamp [^1] that I followed when first learning about generative AI last year. I really liked it as a simple example, yet one that’s useful for personal tools. If you’re new to AI dev, that tutorial is a little dated now, but still worth checking out.

For an up-to-date overview of .NET + AI, I’d recommend checking out the Building AI Applications from Scratch (using .NET) video from my team at Microsoft. Which also happens to be the video I’m using as an example in this YouTube chat repo.

How is this app built?

This sample is built using the following technology:

To “chat with YouTube” the application will:

  1. Download the transcript of a YouTube video
var youtubeTranscriptApi = new YouTubeTranscriptApi();

// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Rw_ciSh2Wk
transcript = youtubeTranscriptApi.GetTranscript("7Rw_ciSh2Wk");
  1. Create vector embeddings for the content of the transcript
for (var i = 0; i < transcript.Count(); i++)
    var element = transcript.ElementAt(i);

    // [1] Build up text to ingest
    builder.Append(" "); // Account for transcripts not adding spacing between items
    // [2] Embed (string -> embedding)
    var embedding = await _embeddingGenerator.GenerateEmbeddingVectorAsync(text);

    // Create the chunk object
    var chunk = new TranscriptChunk
        Id = ++chunkIndex,
        StartTime = startTimeForChunk,
        Duration = durationForChunk,
        Text = text,
        Embedding = embedding

    // [3] Save the chunk
    await _transcriptItems.UpsertAsync(chunk);
  1. Take a question from the user and create embeddings of the question
var queryEmbedding = await embeddingGenerator.GenerateEmbeddingVectorAsync(prompt);
  1. Perform a similarity search by comparing embeddings and returning transcript items that match the question
var searchOptions = new VectorSearchOptions()
    Top = 3,
    VectorPropertyName = "Embedding"

var results = await transcriptItems.VectorizedSearchAsync(queryEmbedding, searchOptions);
  1. Run a prompt through OpenAI (or a local model using Ollama) that will form a responses to the user’s question, using the transcript matches as context
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

await foreach (var result in results.Results)

var systemPrompt = $@"You're an expert at developing software using .NET and Microsoft.Extensions.AI.
                    When you answer questions from developers, you should provide detailed explanations and examples.
                    You should also provide links to documentation and other resources that can help developers learn more.
                    Use the context below to help answer questions, limit responses to use only the provided context.
                    Respond in 4 paragraphs or less:
                    Question: {prompt}";

This is a pattern called Retrieval-Augmented-Generation (RAG), which is extremely common for including your own data in calls to LLMs (like OpenAI). You can learn more about the concept from this great What is RAG article by IBM Research, or check out the Building AI Applications from Scratch (using .NET) video mentioned above.

Next steps

There’s still work that could be done next with this example, which I’ll explore in the future as I build out my bigger .NET + AI chat idea. The main thing is improving the quality of responses, which aren’t great with audio transcripts alone:

Let me know in the comments if you find this sample helpful - or if you have questions.
